Feb 24, 2024

Are you curious about the current status of Embedded Generation (EG) in South Africa?

Are you curious about the current status of Embedded Generation (EG) in South Africa?⚡ Then you should have a look at the status report, recently published by the South African Local Government Association (SALGA).

This comprehensive study brings together data from SALGA, Eskom, SAPVIA, and GEOTERRA to provide a detailed snapshot of EG as of December 2023. It was further supported by Sustainable Energy Africa (SEA), Association of Municipal Electricity Utilities Southern Africa (AMEU), and the South African-German Energy Programme (SAGEN).

Here’s a brief overview of what you will find in this report:

  • Insights into the regulatory landscape surrounding embedded generation;
  • Extent of EG uptake in South Africa, with a particular focus on municipal distribution areas;
  • Challenges presented by  EG and potential solutions;
  • Assistance available to municipalities through the Municipal Embedded Generation Support Programme;
  • Overview of how many municipal utilities are currently allowing embedded generators to connect to their grid;
  • Official application processes in place for embedded generators;
  • Municipalities with approved tariffs for embedded generation customers.

Whether you’re a stakeholder in the energy sector, a policymaker, or simply passionate about sustainable energy solutions, this report a must read for everyone active in the South African energy space.

Click here to access the report:  https://www.sagen.org.za/publications/all-publications/190-status-of-embedded-generation-of-south-african-municipalities 


SAGEN collaborates with South African partners to support the country’s transition to a reliable, affordable and clean energy future. SAGEN is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), co-funded by SECO Economic Cooperation and Development and implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH in cooperation with the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy, the National Treasury of South Africa, Eskom Holdings SOC, the South African Local Government Association and Sanedi.org.

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